Marine engines are being further developed in terms of performance. The demands placed on the piston rings are also increasing as a result. Our piston rings meet these expectations by means of various coatings on the tread, but also by way of new shapes and lock designs.

Flushing port inspection for piston rings
By combining all these elements, our rings quickly catch up and the time between overhaul and replacement is greatly increased.
For example, for the starting air valves and propeller shaft seals, we produce bronze and cast iron piston rings according to the original specifications or (over) sizes. We also supply oil scraper gasket sets for the connecting rods.
Materials used:
– Cast iron specially alloyed for piston rings
– Various bronze types
Each diesel engine has a specific setup regarding the piston rings on the piston that we can supply to measure. The bore sizes range from medium to large diameters of ΓΈ 1050 mm and beyond. Axial oversized is also possible.

Piston with piston rings
According to the latest OEM specifications, Euroring not only supplies the marine engines but also the turbochargers and related equipment on board. You can think of piston rings for starter air engines, generators, hydraulic and compressor installations.
Applied layers and coatings include:
– Hard chrome
– Plasma
– Copper
– Molybdenum
– Ceramic Chrome