Euroring understands this like no other and therefore places strict requirements on supplied materials, continuous internal checks on modern production processes and final inspections, which ensure the high quality of the end product.

Special valve seal
We make special in-house versions of piston rings and seals based on your existing designs. Together with you, we improve or develop completely new products. We can also arrive at a final product through reverse engineering.
Within Euroring we have possibilities to make prototypes to small series with a short lead time.
Example materials;
– Stellite 6
– Stellite 25/ L-605
– Inconel 718
– 17-7PH
– Waspaloy
– MP35N
Our piston rings and seals are therefore used in places within jet & turbo shaft engines with high temperatures and/or pressure levels. The right choice of material, heat treatment and coating are therefore only part of the final operation of the ring.

Special duplex piston ring
The correctly chosen type of lock, geometry and precise finish in the dimensions, together with thermal stability, ensure proper functioning and a long service life.
We work together with renowned companies and research institutes for testing, heat treatment and surface finishing.
Applied types and finish:
– Internal tension
– External tension
– Dual rings
– Rings with layers (abradable)
– Anti corrosion and wear coatings
– Special locks