Euroring produces piston rings as well as static & dynamic seals and seals that are taut both indoors and outdoors and are used in various places in and around gas and steam turbines.

STEG energy plant
We produce these piston rings according to your existing technical specifications, whereby 100% certified materials, accurately traceable production methods and strict (final) checks yield a high-quality product.
Types of lock:
– Gastight, Type E
– (in)side lock, Type G/H
– Step cut, Type D
– Lock step cut, Type F
– Special locks
Examples of piston rings that we make for our customers include piston rings for dual burners for oil & gas, burner control units, rotor housing seals, exhaust box sealing and sealing rings and special radial compensation elements.

Large diameter piston rings + springs
In addition to existing designs, we with you in an innovative capacity for improvements and optimisation of current systems or the application of new technologies.
Example of materials used:
– 1.4404
– 1.4980
– Stellite 6
– Inconel 718
– Monel
– Haynes 25